Our exceptional management and Quality system has been designed to fulfill all of the requirements of the major companies and national and international bodies and is custom tailored to cover all crew management and shipping related functions with a goal to achieve:

  • Safe ship operation and protection of the environment.
  • Unparalleled crew performance through superior in-house training.
  • Uninterrupted ship operations and zero losses.
  • Client satisfaction through open and trusted communication and understanding their needs and protecting their assets.

Our head office is based in Dhaka, Bangladesh. We also have regional representative office in Japan, Canada, Myanmar and Pakistan as well as mutual agreements with various local agents in North America to act on our behalf for our North American activities.

Elite Maritime Limited is dedicated to satisfying needs of customers by providing high quality services achieved through a team of experienced seafarers and their highly proficient shore based counterparts. Our shore-based staff consists of ex-seafarers (Masters, Chief Engineers, and Radio Officers) and experienced managers who have extensive knowledge and perceptive of the international shipping market.